Igor Swatowski
Open to new projects

Websites Designed & Built by Freelancer Who Puts You First

No agencies. No middlemen. Just direct, quality work from a freelancer who cares about your success.

Not just a freelancer

I help business owners bring their ideas to life with thoughtful design and development. Working closely with teams, I guide projects from concept to launch, making sure every step is practical and effective.


Understanding your business

We start with a conversation about your goals and audience. Simple questions, clear answers—this helps shape a website that truly works for you.


Designing the look

I create 2-3 design options based on our discussions. We’ll refine the best one together until it fits your vision.


Building the website

I build your website using simple tools to work smoothly on phones and computers. Each part is fully tested to make sure it works well.

Take a look at my work

Here are a few projects I've worked on—each one designed and built with care to meet real needs.

Web designerVolunteer project

Sparks Foundation

Sparks Foundation was non-profit developing decentralized digital identity platform

Coming soon
Web designerConcept (non-commercial)


Streamlined NFT marketplace landing page concept. The design focuses on creating an intuitive interface that simplifies the NFT buying experience

Coming soon

Transform ideas into interactive stories. Your business in good design.

Discover design that speaks to hearts and minds. I deliver visually stunning and functionally robust websites, meticulously crafted to embody your brand's essence.

Web design services
Web development services

Flexible by design, collaborative by nature

Let's start with the fact that every company these days should have a website. It's essential to establish an online presence and allow potential customers to easily find information about your company and its offerings.

Therefore, you should make sure that your company's website is not only functional, but also aesthetically pleasing and eye-catching.